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Why Liberalism Failed Responses

New York Times:  David Brooks Column  


New York Times: Ross Douthat Column


New York Times: Scott Reyburn, The Political Scientist Giving the Art World Something to Think About


The Economist: Book Review


Washington Post: "Liberalism is Loneliness," Christine Emba


Los Angeles Review of Books:  Holy Ambivalence, by Brad East

Wall Street Journal Weekend Review, Tod Lindborg


National Review: David French Review


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Der Aufstand der Atome


Damon Linker, "The Week"


American Affairs: "Integration from Within," by Adrian Vermeule


American Affairs: "Can Democracy Save Us?," by Ryszard Legutko


American Affairs: "Liberal Liberation," by Mark Shiffman

American Affairs: "Against the Deformations of Liberalism," by David Corey


Public Discourse: "Prisoners in the American Cave," by Micah Watson


Public Discourse: "Patrick Deneen and the Problem with Liberalism" by Sam Gregg


Public Discourse: "Patrick Deneen, Little Sisters of the Poor, and Libertas Idiotica" by Anthony Esolen


The American Interest, "The One Theory to Rule Them All," by Peter Blair


Il Foglio Review (Italian)


The American Conservative: Gene Callahan Review


First Things: "Utopian Temptations" by Timothy Fuller


Commonweal: "Loving the Amish" by Alan Wolfe


Rod Dreher: "Deneen's Book Gets Even Hotter"


The Federalist: Review by Nathanael Blake


Mere Orthodoxy: Review by Jake Meador


Gospel Coalition: Review by David Koyzis


Law and Liberty Review: "The Long Tail of Legal Liberalism," by Marc DeGirolami


The University Bookman: Samuel Goldman Review  


The Medium: Book Review


Aceprensa: Book Review (Spanish)


Aceprensa: "Una nueva cultura para las democracias librerales" 


Challenge (France): Pourquoi la démocratie risque l'implosion aux États-Unis et en Europe


Information (Denmark): ’Det liberale samfund er ikke i stand til at hele sig selv’


Crisis Magazine: Jerry Salyer Review


Church Life Journal: "Three Theological Reflections," by Leonard DeLorenzo


National Review: "The Primary Human Conflict is in the Soul of the Individual," by Amanda Reichenbach


The American Conservative: "Has Liberalism Failed? We Should Hope Not," by Benjamin Woodfinden


The Federalist, "What the West Can Learn from Thailand about Loving One's Heritage," by Casey Chalk

National Review, "Defending American Classical Liberalism," by Vincent Phillip Munoz


Letras Libres (Mexico), "La libertad después del liberalismo," by Rafael Rojas


La Latercera (Chile), El Señor de los individuos, by Pablo Ortúzar


Jacobin, "Why Anticapitalist Conservatism Fails," by Lyle Jeremy Rubin


"Obama Shares his June Reading List," LA Times






Trinity Forum: Conversation with David Brooks


Economist Radio


Econotalk Podcast, with Russ Roberts


The Nation, "The Problems of Liberalism," with Joseph Hogan


Interview with Albert Mohler 


Law and Liberty: Podcast with Robert Reinsch


Crux Interview with Charles Camosy


Bruderhof Conversation with Bill Kauffman


"This is Hell" Interview


Al Kresta in the Afternoon Interview


Bookmonger Podcast with John Miller


Dean Abbot Podcast


"The Death of Liberalism," ABC Australia - Late Night


Capital (Chile), "El Otoño del liberalismo," with Valentina Pizarro


Gazeta Prawna (Polish)


Quillete: 10 Books to Read in 2018


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© 2015 by Patrick J. Deneen. 

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